September, just this side of the Equinox
I got outside this afternoon in a break between rain showers. It gave me a chance to read a little and see how nature’s been handling things without me the last few weeks. Just beautifully, as it turns out. She’s a little less tidy than I tend to be, but I think she knows what she’s doing.
Easing back into this space with some images from today and a current read.
Growing flowers instead of vegetables may be the best decision I’ve made all year. Look at how happy they are!
I’ll always grow kale though,
and cherry tomatoes,
and big, fat garden spiders. (Big love to my hardworking organic pest control crew!)
Abby (who now, at 13, and getting weirder by the day, is known as Miss Havisham)
Current read. Ugh. Necessary and eye-opening.